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Month: November 2015

Macintosh System Enablers for OS 7.1 to 7.5.5: Current Versions and Change History

The information in this post was taken from an the Apple knowledge base (TA28948) with the assumption that the source article may be removed in the future (like many other articles that dealt with the vintage systems).  I have updated the table to link to copies of the System Enablers that are currently being hosted by the Internet Archive.   For additional information on how to use these enablers see: Selecting your System Software


Selecting your System Software for your 68k Macintosh

As I mentioned in my Setting up your vintage (classic) 68k Macintosh not every Macintosh System can run every OS, for example System 7.5.5 was the last version to support the original Macintosh Systems with their Motorola 68000 (68k) processors, 7.6 required Systems with a 68030 and 32bit clean ROMs, with support for 68k processors ending with System 8.1. I also include some information about PPC systems, but my main focus for this page is 68k systems.


Setting up your vintage (classic) 68k Macintosh

I recently pulled my old Macintosh Color Classic (with an Apple IIe Emulator Card) out of storage in preparation for a move to see if it still works (last used in 2001). so far so good.   I also obtained a Macintosh LC475 to setup as my backup system in case the Macintosh Color Classic decides to die on me (need to get a cap job done on both of them).

Because this is a hobby, I often go months at a time when I don’t get to play with these old machines, so I decided to create this site to record the information I found useful, or interesting about my 68k Macintosh systems.

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