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Tag: Iomega Jaz Drive

The 1GB Jaz Drive was introduced by Iomega in 1996, with a later version supporting 2GB.

Interface support:
The Jaz Drive was released with a SCSI interface, and with a later version called the Jaz Traveller that could connect to a standard parallel port.
Iomega also produced SCSI-USB and SCSI-Firewire adaptors for the Jaz, and these can be found used but are a bit expensive.

BalenaEtcher: Using balenaEtcher to create and write disk images

You can use balaenaEtcher to raw-write my drive image files to an SD or Compact Flash Card, and some other USB attached storage. When you raw-write a file it doesn’t simply copy the file to the target storage media/device it writes the file bit-by-bit on to the target storage media/device removing all existing formatting.

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Setting up your vintage (classic) 68k Macintosh

I recently pulled my old Macintosh Color Classic (with an Apple IIe Emulator Card) out of storage in preparation for a move to see if it still works (last used in 2001). so far so good.   I also obtained a Macintosh LC475 to setup as my backup system in case the Macintosh Color Classic decides to die on me (need to get a cap job done on both of them).

Because this is a hobby, I often go months at a time when I don’t get to play with these old machines, so I decided to create this site to record the information I found useful, or interesting about my 68k Macintosh systems.

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